Sunday, May 19, 2013

Painting of The day

Painting. What a lovely thing some people can create. Full of creativity, composition, imagination, a beautiful play using the basic art elements of line, colour, shape and form. Enjoy

Acrylic, Marker on Canvas
appx 4' x 6.5'

*picture copyrighted/ private viewing, shoo, had hopes could display a lill of its beautiful softcopy image here legally. Guess ya hv 2 just click d link

Monday, September 6, 2010

Free Tickets 2 d 41st Floor??

"To get the tickets for a free ride to the Skybridge on 41st floor, the interested person must get in line at a hidden, designated free ticket office. Otherwise, all you just see this sign:
The guard lets only people with proper Tower-ID pass, everyone seems to have one here." 
Wow, i myself have yet 2 venture past d MPO box Office Tickets,..hmm.. Must TRY THEN!! =.^ who 1 follow.. =_ if any1 has any other thoughts../can verify this, Please, by all means, Please do 

Friday, August 20, 2010

Ishtar Gate

 (Assyrian: ܕܵܪܘܲܐܙܲܐ ܕܥܵܐܫܬܲܪ translit: Darwaza D'Ishtar, Arabic:بوابة عشتار) 
build by order of King Nebuchadnezzar II on the north side of the city around year 575 BC, Ishtar Gate was the eighth gate to the inner city of Babylon.

What used to be One of The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World till it got replaced in the 6 century A.D.

Displayed at the WIkipedia Commons

*What i found during my pottery "Info-Window-Shoppings" =_

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Bedroom by Vincent van Gogh

Vincent van Gogh's The Bedroom, painted in 1889, will seem familiar to fans of the artist's work from the Yellow House. Just as Vincent revived his motif of sunflowers as he recovered from his self-mutilation, he returned to the images of the Yellow House as he recuperated in Saint-Rémy. He reprised the painting of his bedroom, intensifying the colors and sharpening the details of the pictures on the wall. When van Gogh's thoughts strayed back to his life in Arles, he was filled with wistful regret, telling his brother, "I still think that Gauguin and I will perhaps work together again."
the bedroom by vincent van gogh
Vincent van Gogh's The Bedroom (oil on canvas,
28-3/4x36-1/4 inches) hangs in the Art Institute
of Chicago.

Eventually, Vincent van Gogh was allowed to leave the confines of the asylum.